
A healthy heart

the way to a better life

With this in mind, we strive to provide our patients with high quality medical services, the best care and the highest level of safety. We have been taking care of our patients for almost 20 years. You are in good hands

The Lower Silesian Center for Heart Diseases Prof. Zbigniew Religa

Medinet Sp. z o.o.

is a professional center with highly qualified medical staff, equipped with good-class medical equipment that provides highly specialized care in the field of heart diseases

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Rozlicz się SERCEM

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Fundacja "Czerwone noski"

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Why we?

The patient of the Lower Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases named after prof. Zbigniew Religa MEDINET is covered by complex care from the diagnosis of the disease in the cardiology outpatient clinic, through qualification for the surgery - surgery - cardiac rehabilitation - to the repeated care in the cardiac surgery and cardiology outpatient clinic after heart surgery. All these activities are comprehensively performed in our centres, so that the patient feels safe and supported in us.

The medical staff of Lower Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases prof. Zbigniew Religa MEDINET Sp. z o.o. are high-class specialists. Both the doctors, the nurses, the physiotherapists, and the entire medical staff are constantly improving their qualifications by gaining experience in Poland and abroad. Thanks to constant development of modern diagnostic and therapeutic methods we offer innovative surgical techniques, including minimally invasive in the field of cardiac surgery of adults and children.

Services provided

About us

Operacja kardiochirurgiczna

"A healthy heart as a path to a better life" - keeping this in mind, we strive to provide our patients with high-quality medical services, the best care and the highest level of safety. For almost 20 years, we have been treating our patients with commitment and passion, both those who are under the care of our clinics and those who have stayed in hospital wards. The Lower Silesian Center for Heart Diseases Prof. Zbigniewa Religi - Medinet Sp. z o.o. is a professional center with highly qualified medical staff, equipped with good-class medical equipment that provides highly specialized care in the field of heart diseases. In our Centers, patients can go through almost all stages of diagnosis and therapy of heart diseases, from cardiac surgery to rehabilitation.







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