
For the sponsor

An entity that is interested in concluding an agreement to conduct a clinical trial is required to:

  1. Request preliminary approval to conduct a clinical trial from the Managing Director of Dolnośląskie Centrum Chorób Serca im. Prof. Zbigniewa Religi - Medinet Sp. z o.o. and send the relevant request to:
  2. Pay a fee (after obtaining the approval of the Managing Director to initiate negotiations on a clinical trial agreement) for commencing negotiations on the clinical trial agreement in the amount of PLN 5,000.00 net to the bank account
  3. Sign a non-disclosure agreement (agreement template)
  4. After the Managing Director has granted preliminary approval to conduct a clinical trial, an entity that is interested in concluding a clinical trial agreement is required to download the clinical trial agreement template from the website and, after completing it, send it back to the e-mail address of the Clinical Research Centre or submit its own draft agreement.
  5. The Sponsor/CRO is required to submit an Application, which should include the following documents:
    • Draft agreement with filled in appendices
    • Commitment to provide consent of the Central Bioethics Committee for conducting the study within three working days from its receipt
    • Commitment to provide approval for conducting the clinical trial issued by the
    • President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products within three working days of its receipt
    • The study protocol, a summary of the protocol in Polish and the study procedure outline,
    • An insurance policy for the clinical trial complying with the requirements of the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 6 October 2010 on the obligatory insurance of civil liability of the sponsor and the clinical investigator in connection with the conduct of a clinical trial of devices,
    • Current extract from the National Court Register or a certificate of entry in the business activity register, not older than 6 months.
  6. On the basis of the submitted application and preliminary budget of the study, the proposal is evaluated by the Clinical Trial Assessment Panel consisting of, among others:
    • President, Chief Executive Officer
    • Managing Director
    • Research Consultant
    • Clinical Trial Coordinator/Manager
    • Pharmacist
    • Finance department representative
    • Researcher
    • Legal counsel