
The Department of Cardiac Surgery - I floor

Important telephones:

Head of the Department
Doctor's office
Doctor on duty
Nursing Station


MD Paweł Kwinecki
specialist in cardiac surgeon
Head of the department
MD Mariusz Mieczyński
Deputy head of the department
MSc Dagmara Stasiewicz
Ward nurse

Specjaliści pracujący na oddziale:

dr n. med. Arkadiusz Farmas

specjalista chirurg, specjalista kardiochirurg

lek. med. Dmytro Harasymiv

w trakcie specjalizacji z kardiochirurgii

Beata Kaliszczak

specjalista ds. pielęgniarstwa epidemiologicznego

lek. med. Piotr Kołtowski

specjalista kardiochirurg

prof. dr hab. n. med. Wojciech Kustrzycki

specjalista kardiochirurg

lek. med. Krzysztof Szufnarowski

specjalista epidemiolog

lek. med. Ireneusz Szwedo

specjalista kardiochirurg

lek. med. Jakub Turek

specjalista chirurg naczyniowy

dr n. med. Małgorzata Winter

specjalista kardiolog

dr hab. n. med. Krzysztof Wronecki

prof. Collegium Witelona w Legnicy

The Department of Cardiac Surgery offers a full range of cardiac surgery, in addition to standard procedures such as:

  • coronary artery bypass grafting (cardiac surgery to implant vascular bypasses, which bypass the place of stenosis in the coronary artery, used in certain cases of myocardial infarction and advanced coronary artery disease),
  • heart valve plasty/replacement,
  • aortic surgery, etc.

We also perform procedures such as:

  • upper ministernotomy in the treatment of aortic valve defects and in the treatment of ascending aortic aneurysms
  • endoscopic surgical ablation for the treatment of atrial fibrillation
  • endoscopic technique for great saphenous vein graft harvesting in the treatment of coronary artery disease
  • endoscopic technique for radial artery graft harvesting in the treatment of coronary artery disease
  • coronary artery disease surgery via left mini-thoracotomy with extracorporeal circulation
  • surgical treatment of coronary artery disease with access via lower hemisternotomy and without extracorporeal circulation
  • MICAB surgery using the endoscopic internal thoracic artery harvesting technique
  • technique of reduction plasty of the ascending aorta using an own method
  • de Vega own modification of tricuspid valve reconstruction
  • use of the CORMATRIX for tricuspid valve prosthesis
  • use of CORMATRIX for right ventricular outflow tract and pulmonary artery valve prosthesis
  • intraoperative autotransfusion in patients operated on using extracorporeal circulation
  • del Nido myocardial protection in adult and paediatric operations
  • use of 3D techniques in minimally invasive procedures
  • simultaneous application of 3D and 2D techniques in the same patient
  • primary arteriovenous fistula operations using own vessels and vascular prostheses
  • repair operations on dialysis fistulas:
  • unblocking (thrombectomies) of dialysis fistulas
  • percutaneous angioplasty of stenosis
  • surgery for aneurysms
  • superficialisation of fistulas
  • reconstructions

The ward's staff consists of high-performance specialists offering the highest level of service. Experienced medical, nursing and administrative staff work together for the rapid recovery of patients. From the moment of admission, patients have the opportunity to receive counselling from a psychologist and are provided with exhaustive and clear information on the course of treatment.

The department has 26 beds, including 4 intensive cardiac care beds. Patients are guaranteed intimacy, which is why their stay at hospital takes place in single and double rooms. All patient rooms are equipped with a bathroom and a TV. Each patient is monitored 24 hours a day by telemetry, their haemodynamic parameters are monitored and rehabilitation begins as early as on the first post-operative day at bedside, enabling our patients to be back to full fitness quickly.

The Pediatric Cardiosurgery Department - I floor

Important telephones:

Head of Department
Doctor's office
Doctor on duty
Nursing Station


MD Sharma Girish
specialist in pediatric cardiac surgeon
Head of Department
MSc Dagmara Stasiewicz
Ward nurse

Specjaliści pracujący na oddziale:

dr n. med. Joanna Kukawczyńska-Noczyńska

specjalista kardiologii dziecięcej

prof. Jacek Pająk

konsultant kardiochirurgii dziecięcej

lek. med. Anna Tomkowiak

specjalista kardiochirurg

The Department of Pediatric Cardiac Surgery is the only hospital in Lower Silesia, that performs operations on cangenital and acquired heart defects in the smallest patients up to 18 years of age.

Our hospital is the only hospital performing procedures for Congenital Cardiac Defects. Our patient’s age range from neonatal stage and there is no upper limit. We also operate adults with congenital cardiac defect. In 2012 we started performing minimal invasive procedures (ligature of Patent ductus arteriosus) in our young patients. So far we are the only center performing such procedures. Considering safety and comfort of our young patients and their family we also offer free lodging facilities for their guardians. The department has 8 beds. In the interests of the well-being of our little patients and the comfort of their stay, we provide free accommodation for yhe child's guardian

These are the procedures and not the only ones we perform:

  • Atrial septal defects
  • Ventricular septal defects
  • Atrioventricular defects
  • Patent ductus arteriosus
  • Aortopulmonary window
  • Coarctation of aortae
  • Hypoplastic aortic arch
  • Tetralogy of Fallot
  • Transposition of the great arteries
  • Atresia of pulmonary artery
  • Common truncus
  • Anomaly of pulmonary venous return
  • Single ventricle hearts
  • Congenital valve defects  
  • Other congenital or acquired heart defects

The ward's staff consists of high-performance specialists offering the highest level of service. Experienced medical, nursing and administrative staff work together for the rapid recovery of patients. From the moment of admission, patients have the opportunity to receive counselling from a psychologist and are provided with exhaustive and clear information on the course of treatment. 

Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care - ground floor

Important telephones:

Head of Department
Doctor's office
Doctor on duty
Ward nurse
Nursing Station


MD Piotr Gliwa
specialist anesthesiologist
Head of the department
MSc Małgorzata Sudziarska
Ward nurse

Specjaliści pracujący na oddziale:

dr n. med. Jacek Adamus

specjalista anestezjolog

lek. med. Alina Dąbrowska

specjalista anestezjolog

lek. med. Michał Fleischer

specjalista anestezjolog

lek. med. Julita Świątek

specjalista anestezjolog

lek. med. Grzegorz Wysoczański

specjalista anestezjolog

lek. med. Beata Wyszomirska

specjalista anestezjolog

dr n. med. Marcin Rak

specjalista anestezjolog

dr hab. n. med. Jerzy Adamus

specjalista anestezjolog

The Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy provides intensive postoperative care for patients before and after cardiac surgery. The department has 7 beds for adults and 4 beds for children.

The modern monitoring equipment and ensures control of the safety level of patients in the postoperative period. The equipment department for the support and / timing of the functions of many experts in the patient, incl.

  • device for renal replacement strategy,
  • brain oximeter,
  • cytokine filters,
  • intra-aortic balloon,
  • the title of the haemodynamic monitoring method.

We also deal with ECMO (Extra Corporeal Membrane Oxygenation) therapy - a technique of extracorporeal blood oxygenation. ECMO is used in life-threatening situations and allows you to cure the disease when other available therapeutic methods fail.

In 2017, the official opening of Pediatric Intensive Therapy took place as part of the Department of Anaesthesiology and Intensive Therapy.

The ward's staff consists of high-performance specialists offering the highest level of service. Experienced medical, nursing and administrative staff work together for the rapid recovery of patients. From the moment of admission, patients have the opportunity to receive counselling from a psychologist and are provided with exhaustive and clear information on the course of treatment.

Operating block - ground floor

Important telephones:

Doctor's office
Ward nurse


Bogumiła Ciarach
Ward nurse

The operating block is a separate, organizational department. It has 2 operating rooms fully equipped with modern equipment and medical apparatus, which enables cardiac surgery to be performed in accordance with the highest medical standards. Only people directly involved in performing surgical procedures are allowed to enter the operating theater, which allows to maintain a proper sanitary regime.

The block's staff is on duty to immediately perform surgical procedures with full staff and securing sterilization. Planned surgical procedures take place according to the established schedule of the operational plan.

Annually, we perform approximately 1,400 surgical procedures (including approximately 150 procedures for children)!

A team of perfusionists collaborates with the team of cardiac surgeons. During open-heart cardiac surgery, perfusionists provide extracorporeal circulation in both children and adults. Extracorporeal circulation is possible thanks to the heart-lung machine.

Department of Cardiac Rehabilitation - II floor

Important telephones:

Head of Department
Doctor's office
Ward nurse
Nursing Station
Coordinator of rehabilition


MD Ewa Krauz
internal medicine specialist
Head of Department
MD Katarzyna Grzyb
specialist in balneology and physical medicine
Deputy head of the department
PhD Monika Obiegło
Ward nurse
PhD Beata Gacał
Coordinator of rehabilitation

Specjaliści pracujący na oddziale:

The department implements the assumptions of the second stage of cardiac rehabilitation, the so-called early post-hospital rehabilitation, which is dedicated to patients, among others 21 days (up to a maximum of 56 days) after cardiac events (e.g. heart attack) and after cardiac surgery.

The patient is provided with constant care of cardiologists and cardiac surgeons as well as nurses and physiotherapists.

The department has 30 beds in single and double rooms. All rooms are equipped with bathroom and TV.
The Cardiac Rehabilitation Department is also a training base for students of physiotherapy in Wrocław schools.

It is a time of systematic training to improve cardiovascular fitness and general psychophysical fitness. Rehabilitation in the early postoperative period prevents the occurrence of adverse complications, especially on the part of the respiratory system, and leads to a quick recovery of the patient.

In the ward, the patient will find friendly and professional care of medical staff, where a rich rehabilitation program is implemented.

Rehabilitation services package:

The package of services provided according to a specific cardiac rehabilitation model includes:

  • morning gymnastics,
  • breathing gymnastics,
  • general fitness gymnastics,
  • station training,
  • relaxation training,
  • educational activities on pro-health issues as part of the "Health Promotion".

Additional benefits:

Depending on the individual needs of the patient and on the order of the attending physician, the patient may take advantage of the following additional health services:

  • bicycle training
  • nebulizations
  • irradiation with the Bioptron lamp
  • irradiation with the Sollux lamp
  • massage
  • Nordic walking
  • kinesiotaping
  • individual exercises
  • psychological therapy
  • other physical treatments, e.g. laser, low-frequency magnetic field, ultrasound, electrotherapy

    Classes are conducted daily, 7 days a week from 7.30 am to 5.00 pm.

    "The operation saves and extends life, rehabilitation restores fitness and improves the quality of life."

Pharmacy department

Important telephones:



MSc Paweł Małecki
Department Manager
Artur Krutul
pharmaceutical technician