
In March 2019, the Scientific Council of Prof. Religa Lower Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases MEDINET was established. It gathers independent scientific workers employed by MEDINET:

  • Romuald Cichoń MD, PhD, Prof. of the University of Zielona Góra;
  • Prof. Wojciech Kustrzycki MD, PHD;
  • Prof. Mirosław Brykczyński MD, PHD
  • Krzysztof Wronecki MD, PhD, Professor of the Witelon National Vocational University in Legnica;
  • Maciej Paszkowski MD, PhD, Professor of Wrocław University of Science and Technology.

The inauguration meeting of the Council took place on 11th April 2019. The function of Chairman was bestowed to Prof. Wojciech Kustrzycki MD, PhD. The role of the Scientific Council is to:

  • develop and organise the scientific activity of MEDINET,
  • supervise the specialisation of employees,
  • develop collaboration with external entities,
  • gain funds for the scientific activity,
  • organise internal trainings for the personnel,
  • supervise the activities of the Students Scientific Association.

It was decided that regular scientific and educational meetings with the participation of invited speakers would take place every Thursday after the briefing (7:50 - 8:30).